The category may use height and other parameters as parameter values, so that the same parameter item in the same category has different parameter values. Of course, this cannot be executive email list completely avoided, and there are indeed some special categories of equivalent parameters that are independent of others. I will not go into specific examples. To achieve parameter unification, we need to start from the source. So where is the source of the parameter? This is about the concept of parameter templates - Parameter template: It is the content executive email list template that needs to be checked or filled in the background when it is listed or entered as an e-commerce product.
The parameters of these templates are directly integrated in the internal commodity management system after research and are divided into three types executive email list (custom input, check (single choice and multiple choice)), two categories (required/optional), Except for the product name, the rest basically need to be entered manually. In terms executive email list of standardization, it must be that the more classes are checked, the better, and the less custom input the better. This depends on the standard normativeness and richness of commodity parameter values. Let's take the women's bag as an example (below).
Different parameter items in women's bags will contain different parameter values. Each industry has its own unique production and design standards. The same is true executive email list for bags. Its shape and design can be divided into several types, such as shape/material/popular elements / Internal structure / hardness / lining material, whether it can be folded and a series of parameter items. If these are all entered as custom inputs, merchants will not be willing to fill in them executive email list manually one by one, and the timeliness is too low; in addition, this will also bring immeasurable negative effects to the unified standard format, just like some merchants Used to write 24 inches, some like to write 24 inches.